Mahoney just moved out of 337, signifying the end of an era. Granted, it was an era I only saw the tail end of, but it seemed to be an altogether excellent era. This picture was taken a long time ago in their kitchen, while Mahoney was really excited about his Panko breadcrumbs. I can't remember if this was a Project Runway or a Top Chef night, but I'm sure something delicious was made. Mahoney always makes delicious things. I'm not quite sure how he does it, but I'm awfully glad it happens. I hope it continues to happen even though he won't be living in the apartment anymore- Wednesdays would never be the same.
all the 337 guys are now up on the blog. They're some of my favorite people I've become close to recently. I can't say enough about them, and everything I think of seems to fall short. So here they are. In this post,
here, and (of course) here.
oh, and a fundraising update- I'm at over 50% of my goal, so thanks so much to everyone who has helped out! I still am trying to raise about $1500, so follow the link in my "links" section and make a tax-deductible donation to an incredible cause.
The last Austin picture, taken in the trailer before I made my feature film debut. I also thought it would be a better picture than the last self-portrait, which was something like my second or third post on this blog.
Now, while you're all looking at half of my ridiculous face, I'm going to talk about some pretty awesome personal news....I'm participating in Broadway Bares again this year.
For those who aren't familiar, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids is an amazing charity that has been supporting research, community outreach, and so much more for those currently living with the HIV/AIDS pandemic. They put on a few huge events every year to culminate and celebrate the progress for fundraising periods, and Broadway Bares is the summer's big event, a huge burlesque show featuring 200+ amazing dancers in very little clothing rocking it out on the Roseland stage.
There's a personal fundraising component to the show as well, and I'm trying to raise as much money as i can- I'm currently the top woman, and need your help to stay there!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE click here to go to my personal fundraising page and click on the "Support Nikka" button below my picture- donate anything you can- every tiny amount brings me closer to my goal, is tax deductible, and will make you feel awesome knowing you've helped someone in need.
This organization is so important to me...please support me and this incredible community that does so much to take care of its own. Your support means so much to so many who are suffering all over, especially in this economic climate.
I'll be performing in Broadway Bares again as well- in the "Chess" if you're in NYC, come check it out.
thanks so much for your support and help!
texas stairs
One of the last polaroids from the Austin set, these are the stairs leading out of Joe's apartment. They're completely uneven and worn, so we were constantly falling up and down them every time we went somewhere. They were so cool, though. So much character.
It was so warm in Austin. It is so disgusting and rainy in New York right now.
old cars
I'm sitting on jury duty, so I figured blogging might be a decent way to pass the time...
Another photo from the Austin set. There are tons of amazing old cars all over the city, many of them impeccably restored and gorgeous. I've always had a thing for big old cars- one of my major life goals is to restore a late 70s Coupe de Ville, filed under the "When I'm Rich And Famous" to-do list. It probably stems from my father's Cadillac obsession.
I know old cars guzzle gas and are nightmarish to park and can oftentimes ride like tanks, but I find modern cars to be a little too homogenized in body style. You can't tell what anything is anymore, and though I am a staunch supporter of technological advances and making cars more environmentally friendly and breaking our dependence on foreign oil, I still sigh with a nostalgia I'm not quite entitled to for an era I never lived in, but can imagine every time I look at the cars.
I'm not exactly sure what Joe was going for in this picture- he wants YOU to...make movies? Or maybe just a "get that camera out of my face" pose- after all, I did make him share a bed with Mike for four days, and he is a straight man. And it was a small bed. Another photo from the Austin set- this is Joe's apartment. Joe is my uncle's assistant, a daunting but not thankless job. He's quite awesome, with one of the most distinct voices I've ever heard, a brain for film trivia like few I've seen, and an incredibly high tolerance for people and their crap. I have no idea how he does it.
This is Mike, sitting in a chair in Texas on one of those whirlwind nights during the "Will" shoot. We were in Austin for about four days, carousing and having an amazing time. Mike thinks this picture looks like an old photo of someone's dad vacationing in the Catskills circa 1970. I kind of agree with him. Mike is driven, incredibly talented, focused, and a really inspiring friend, what with his enormous capacity for life and his amazing attitude. We wandered around Austin vintage shopping and babbling about music, and I gave him some computer pointers. He's just started his own production company, and is going to be starring in its first feature this summer. I can't wait to see what happens.
boco kids
This is what happens when you hang out in midtown....worlds collide. I was out with Soos the other night, and of course we ran into a bunch of kids I went to school with...Ravi, Travis, Ryley, Nic, and Anich....we wound up going along with them over to Posh for a drink, where I pulled out my polaroid. I'm amazed at what happens when you pull out a Polaroid in front of musical theatre kids- this happened with absolutely no direction whatsoever. Everything from supermodels to confused messes, an accurate cross-section of the boco.
This is Sarah. Her polaroid was taken on the same night as Dewey's, obviously very near the expiration of this pack of film. All that hair is her real hair. Sarah just returned from a very long engagement in Vegas doing "Mamma Mia." We went to college together, and I hadn't seen her in ages, but found her at our friend's sketch comedy gig. Sarah and I had nearly every class together for four years, and certainly have some insane memories. It was nice to reconnect at the show and know that another member of our class has turned out okay.
On that note, I need some coffee.
rocking giraffe
I saw this put out with the trash the other day and it was so cute I had to take a picture. And then I became slightly sad that it was put out with the trash....but I hope it got a lot of use and love. I find a lot of weird things put out on my street, as everyone does, but this is definitely in the top three, joining the ranks with the giant maps of Queens and the treasure trove of discarded record albums. They pre-date the blog, or there would have been pictures. Some of the record albums are in frames on my wall, reminding me of dream roles I want to play someday.
I vividly remember how much I loved my rocking horse and what it meant to me- it's still in my parents' house being loved by my two-and-a-half year old cousin. I hope it's one of those things that continues to be passed down in my family.
This is Phil just after he arrived in the city. He never really liked it much, but it's starting to grow on him now that he's working all the time. Phil is a great lighting designer and electrician. We met almost two years ago at Bay Street Theatre when he was an intern, but now he's a hotshot at Santa Fe Opera and theatres all over NYC. He occasionally insists on being called Philip, but I never do, since I maintain that he first introduced himself to me as Phil.
he begged me not to post this picture. I told him to suck it up.
delivery computer
Waking up at 7am on a Sunday should be illegal, especially when new mattress pads are involved that turn beds into evil snooze-button magnets.
Since I'm at work (and frustrated) right now (for a change), I thought I'd post a test shot of the delivery computer. This picture was actually a mistake I made while trying to photograph another one of my managers, but the Polaroid freaked out and I needed to figure out what was wrong. This computer is oftentimes the bane of my existence, aggravated by people who don't know how to order delivery. Having also just gracefully exited a phone conversation with a customer who apparently thought I was not good enough to scrape the gum off the bottom of his shoes, let alone put an order for his precious food into the kitchen, I thought I'd blog this computer.
The restaurant business is a freaky animal. I would never want to own or manage a restaurant, especially such an insane high-traffic one as this.
On a more exciting note, I seem to have gotten a fabulous summer theatre job at a wonderful regional theatre doing "The Producers." Yay! I get to be a tap=dancing showgirl, which is what I do best. Hopefully they will let me buy my shoes from them so I won't be dancing in the same tap shoes I've been rocking since the ninth grade.
Two more hours.
My roommate Rebecca and I watched "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?" recently, and it scared the bejesus out of us. We were screaming at the television and clutching each other like the pansies we usually aren't....but oh well. Nothing's scarier than a child actor, except maybe an ex-child actor who can't move on.
In an effort to continue to scare the bejesus out of me, Rebecca cut this picture of one of Posh's Marc Jacobs ads and stuck it on my curtains, which are very near to my bed. The idea of having Posh hanging over my bed watching me sleep was almost more terrifying than being locked in my bedroom and left to starve to death- although then I might be as skinny as Posh and be able to borrow her clothes. Hmm....
I didn't notice that Posh was hanging over my bed until the morning, whereupon I screamed, but mostly with laughter. Mostly.
In honor of Brayden's link today (thanks again for that) and his mention of Soos in his blog, The No-Spend Zone, I'm putting this photo of Dusty up today. Dusty is Soos's cat, who was also present at the party a few weeks ago. He's a massive cat, but terribly sweet and only slightly shy. James this photo somewhere towards the end of the night, after we made him put pointe shoes on and dance around his own living room. I was helping Elise to support his weight, so I sadly have no pictures of ballerina James.
Anyway....friends' cats seem to be a running theme on this blog. My friends have some pretty cool cats, though. Seriously. How many cats do you know who would be willing to look directly at the camera and pose for a picture? Well played, Dusty. Well played.
This is Dewey in a nutshell. I don't believe we've ever had a conversation that included more nice words than fighting, yet he's one of my closer friends. Dewey is an amazing photographer, a master of sarcasm, and a formidable performer. We lived across the hall from each other freshman year, and he used to sit on the back stairs and noodle on the guitar while we talked until 4am. We later played husband and wife our senior year in the one and only play I've ever done. He'll never let on, but he is a truly great guy. When he's done telling you what a screwup you are.
This is Nick. He's one of my closer friends at work. As a manager and maitre'd, he deals with even more insanity than I do, and on the kind of basis that causes him to drink Maalox out of the bottle (a good solid four-count sip), give me the kind of smile that has daggers behind it while I make him pose, and then head back upstairs into the fray. Nick is no-nonsense, incredibly generous and loving, and absolutely will not take any crap, which is why we get along so well. He has a penchant for diamonds, furs, and all things Dior, Chanel, and YSL. He is probably the most fabulous straight man i know.
taken in the cave.
This is Soos. Her real name is Susan, but I rarely hear people call her that. Granted, I hang out with a lot of people she went to high school with, and we know how well those nicknames stick...
Soos is a newspaperwoman, so we posed her in one of Elise's many hats with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. If only there was a large "press" card sticking out of the hat, then everything would be complete. Soos and I have become fast friends since she moved back to the city a few months ago, and I'm incredibly happy about that. She has one of the sharpest wits I've ever encountered, a gigantic heart and the kind of ease with people that makes you very glad she's your friend. Plus she just took a gigantic pile of clothes off my hands, so my overstuffed closets thank her.
taken at James&Elise's apartment in brooklyn.
I think I'd be in some serious trouble if it weren't for my friends and family right now. They are a thousand different kinds of amazing. I go back to feverishly cleaning menus, fielding phone calls and continuing to chop legal sized paper down to letter size.
What do you do to lift your spirits?

This is David. He's the IT guy for the company I work for. David is holding a ruler that had something funny written on it, though I don't remember what it was. David also has some pretty awesome cameras, one of which he brought into work the other day. We keep thinking that we're going to run around new york taking pictures, but neither of us has any time off. David is always in a fight with one of our managers or our head buyer, but mostly it's love. However, he has made me deliver some pretty vicious threats on more than one occasion. it's pretty funny. So is David.
To continue on with the funny open-mouthed polaroids that have dominated this blog as of late, this is barczys. He was the master electrician on a show I did almost two years ago (!!). It was one of those experiences where everyone was just in the right place at the right time, and I'm actually still in touch with most of those cast members, which is rare. An environment was created within the cast and crew that was truly familial and unlike anything I've ever been a part of. Barczys moved to the city shortly after the season ended at the theatre, and we stayed close. I haven't seen him as often as I would like lately, we've both been so busy.
What a week this has been.
miss thing has just finished a week in "a chorus line" on broadway. i am so unbelievably proud of her. she is one of my audition buddies who actually turned into a real friend, and i'm so glad she did. she is compassionate, caring, a supportive colleague and fantastic dancer. i can't wait to work with her in a show soon.
congrats, jess!
back from hiatus
many more polaroid posts to come soon. I have been remiss with my scanning and posting, and I'm sorry. I need ideas to take pictures. I also need to not be afraid to pull out the polaroid at random- I'm missing the most amazing people I see on the street.
Daylight savings makes me feel totally jet-lagged. Anyone else feel this way?
and this is keith. keith is loud, likes to contribute to my rampant beer consumption, makes me use wrenches i don't know how to use, and is generally a drama queen. he's also fiercely loyal, a great friend, and totally hysterical.
taken in stephanie's apartment.
this is alex with a lime in his mouth. it was his birthday yesterday. alex is my very good friend from high school, and now he's completing some kind of ridiculously ambitious degree at columbia. He's in new york now, so that's all that matters to me.
taken at the ship.
This is in the kitchen of the new apartment. Cousin-Jack-the-architect-on-the-graff-side and I aren't quite sure what it is, but we think it's really cool and we want to try and keep it there.
also read that Polaroid is going to stop making instant film. Help me stock up. Please.
i thought this was interesting: an old article in new york magazine about only children.
I'm exhausted, but can't sleep. Just wish I was with my family right now.
taken in the new apartment.
steinway basement
It's kind of blurry and hard to see because it was so dark when i took the picture, but this is the basement of the Steinway showroom on 57th st. Row after row of pianos, all different sizes and key weights and colors. Hundreds of different people have played on these pianos, some of them are signed on the inside.
My father talks about wandering through this basement, picking the piano he wanted to play for his recital at Carnegie Hall. He wound up using the piano they already had, as the pianos there were out of his price range at the time.
I have rarely seen my father as happy as I saw him the night I took this picture. There was a party for an old recording studio he worked at quite frequently during the 60s and 70s. He was surrounded by old dear friends, some he hadn't seen since his wedding, laughing and drinking and having a wonderful time, reliving old stories and creating new ones. He played a little bit that night, and dazzled everyone (of course).
Few people who meet him ever forget my father. He has a profound effect on his family and friends, and though sometimes he's not sure why, I understand. One day I'll find some decent words and explain it.
taken on 57th st.
this is Maggie, my very best friend from high school. She is one of the most brilliant people I have ever met in my life, which is why harvard is paying her to go there right now. She has the innate ability to make you feel like you're the only person in the room when she talks to you. We know eleven years worth of our secrets, most of them whispered in dark rooms in the middle of the night with music on- the way gangly awkward teenage girls tend to share secrets. I love her more than words.
mitz's first big night bartending at the ship. i had to document it. and then there were cheese fries. you can never go wrong with cheese fries.
82nd and 2nd ave.
properly ordering delivery
1. Know EXACTLY what you want, modifications and all, before you pick up the phone. Don't put me on hold to scream across the apartment at your wife. Write it down if you have to. I won't waste your time if you don't waste mine.
1a. Have a backup or two in mind in case the kitchen is out of something.
2. If you are paying by credit card and you do not have your number memorized, have the card out and ready BEFORE you pick up the phone.
3. Speak clearly into the phone. Do not sound annoyed if I verify some information, because the last thing I want is your whiny high-maintenance ass calling me back to scream at me because I couldn't understand what you were saying. I have a very loud air conditioning unit, six other phone lines ringing, the prep kitchen BLASTING music, and managers screaming at each other in a myriad of languages all going on behind me. Speak up.
3a. Put your children in another room before you order. I can't hear you mumble over their crying.
3b. Don't be offended when I put you on hold. I'm the only person answering phones down here, and everyone on the phone is as rude, whiny and high-maintenance as you are. Get over it.
4. I do not control the speed at which your food comes out. That is entirely up to the kitchen. Do not order something complicated, like lasagna or steak, and then call me back ten minutes later wondering where your food is. Don't lie to me about how long it's been, either. I can see on my screen exactly when your order went in. You don't know how busy the restaurant is or how backed up the kitchen might be. When I tell you it's going to take 30-45 minutes, don't give me a long whiny sigh and then ask me to "tell them to hurry up because I'm hungry." If you're that hungry, go to McDonald's.
4a. I also do not control the menu. Don't yell at me because of something we no longer have on the menu. I'm sorry that it was your favorite, but it is not my fault. Call corporate and bitch at them if you care so much.
5. Have a sense of humor. I'm a real person on the other end of this phone. I have a college degree and ambitions of my own. I don't do this job because I love it, I do this job because I need a job. They barely pay me enough to cover my electric bill, let alone deal with your crap. My hair is grey enough already at 24, please don't make it worse.
6. Last, and certainly the most important:
Tip your delivery guys. Tip them in cash, preferably. Tip them well. They're supporting families on what you give them, they're bringing people into this country who want desperately to be here. They're hardworking and wonderful. They are, in essence, your servers for this meal, only they're running many blocks through all kinds of HORRIFIC weather and freezing cold to bring you your dinner. If you make enough money to order $170 worth of food, then please tip your delivery guy more than that crumpled $3 you had at the bottom of your pocket. Treat them like the decent human beings they are. Some of the tipping I've seen is atrocious and nearly heartbreaking. I talk to these guys every day, I hear their stories. Every delivery guy has a story, a family, a reason to work hard. Give them the respect they deserve.
that said, you'll get your food in 30-45 minutes. thank you!
anthony david adams
here's your damn polaroid, anthony.
everyone else go to!
anthony is a pioneer. his brain moves faster than anyone i've ever met. a million ideas a minute. he's gonna run the world one day- moreso than he already does.
taken at elmo.
red tights
this is me, pretty much in classic embarrassment mode. i hide my face in my hair a lot.
i think i've had those tights since the sixth or seventh grade. i don't know why they still fit, either.
taken by mitzi in her living room. that's her sweater, too.
brian called me the other day. he was supposed to be in memphis, but he was at the barney's in my neighborhood instead. we went to pinkberry in the freezing rain, then curled up in my room and caught up, since i hadn't seen him in many months. i once had to catapult myself over brian's head into the splits in a show. that bonds two people.
taken in my bedroom.
michael scott
Yet another fantastic broadway star. Words cannot describe him. He's been everything from a pirate queen to a jersey boy. Mostly, I love the on-the-spot choreography on the street and in the voicemails. If you're very very lucky, maybe he'll leave you one.
taken on 45th st.
In the interest of keeping it in the 3E family this weekend, here's Melissa. Melissa is Margot (of the two polaroids directly below) and Mitzi's roommate. She doesn't have a blog, or else i would be pimping it right now...but we still love her anyway. I'm so glad Mitzi moved into this apartment- these girls are truly wonderful people.
On another note, I'm really bored at work tonight. I wish broadway would call already and take me out of this office.....
If you're even just passing through, leave a comment. They make my day.
double polaroid margot

margot made me take two pictures, which i rarely do. she also insisted on posing for both of them, which is something i almost never let my subjects do. there is something about margot that made me not care about my silly rules. she designed the shirt that she's standing on the couch wearing. i think she might even sell it.

margot is incredibly talented, infectiously enthusiastic, has more energy than anyone i know, and manages to make the world seem like a little bit more of a hopeful place. she's a joy to be around.
so here are your polaroids, margs!
cha-cha and katherine
broadway stars, both. you can find them in "wicked" and "a chorus line," respectively, where they light up the stage with their vivacious personalities and awesome talent. plus, they're adorable and sweet and definitely the kind of people you're happy to have sushi with on a late tuesday night.
taken in midtown manhattan.
86th st.
This is my subway stop. It has been my subway stop for the last two and a half years. This is a terrible picture of it, but i was quite bored waiting for the 1 one night at about 11.
strange days indeed.
rest in peace, heath ledger.
anthony and leila
yet another boring-ass night in the cave. the owner came into the restaurant, so naturally everyone went all atwitter and then sent the host(esses) downstairs to avoid crowding at the podium. it was nice to have company for awhile between the phone calls and delivery orders.
we were clearly all quite bored, as is evidenced by the look on leila's face.
i can has cheezburger?
it was just too perfect to have chairman meow sitting on that box, staring at the plate of mini-cheeseburgers dan was making before project runway a couple of weeks ago. i had to stop chopping lettuce into perfect circles with the top of a cup to grab my camera.
the best part? chair doesn't even really like people food that much. he's a pretty kickass cat, for a communist dictator.
taken in brooklyn.
This is my high school sweetheart. He hates this picture, but i don't care. he is an absolutely stellar human being and i'm incredibly grateful for his presence in my life.
taken in LA on christmas day, watching the yule log on DVR, looking through issues of penthouse from the early 80s, and listening to neil diamond.
This little boy is the light of my life. His favorite song is "Body Movin'" by the Beastie Boys. He's obsessed with flushing the toilet, winding clocks, and figuring out new ways to crack us up. He requests Arcade Fire when he gets into the car.
coolest kid ever. he's my two and a half year old cousin.
zac in a tree ridiculous. However, the backyard orange cake that came out of his midnight shenanigans in my parents' backyard was worth falling out of said tree (don't worry, he didn't fall).
This, ladies and gentlemen, is what celebrity chefs do on their off-time. Climb trees to make cake.
is usually on the phone. or online. He has more facebook friends than any sane person should. I made him pose in an atm vestibule on the upper west side after we saw "Juno." He's a wonderful wonderful friend.
more funny politics
thanks to dan for the link.
babies as political props
My parents' refrigerator was home to about 40 or so eggplants for a short while before christmas eve. That many eggplants in one place is a pretty hilarious sight, especially when they're wedged between a gigantic jar of olives, egg cartons, and some chinese food containers. taken in LA.
don't know where i've been recently. but i'm around.
this is lauren. she has remained one of my steadfast best friends for the last eight or so years. she is brilliant and beautiful in more ways than i can describe. she is also very cold in this picture.
...are funny. they have to fold a lot of napkins. my favorite crime-fighting team is at the top. i want to write them an hour-long single-camera comedy where they fight crimes. it would be huge. we would make millions. my favorite snide commentor jamie is in the middle. and cutest couple goes to cesar and alissa, making faces in the foreground.
incidentally, i just taught blythe danner how to use the automatic paper towel dispenser in the bathroom at work.
never a dull moment.
jeremy can twirl his moustache now. i think that's hilarious.
taken in downtown LA before spending many hours in a shitty diner.