The last Austin picture, taken in the trailer before I made my feature film debut. I also thought it would be a better picture than the last self-portrait, which was something like my second or third post on this blog.
Now, while you're all looking at half of my ridiculous face, I'm going to talk about some pretty awesome personal news....I'm participating in Broadway Bares again this year.
For those who aren't familiar, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids is an amazing charity that has been supporting research, community outreach, and so much more for those currently living with the HIV/AIDS pandemic. They put on a few huge events every year to culminate and celebrate the progress for fundraising periods, and Broadway Bares is the summer's big event, a huge burlesque show featuring 200+ amazing dancers in very little clothing rocking it out on the Roseland stage.
There's a personal fundraising component to the show as well, and I'm trying to raise as much money as i can- I'm currently the top woman, and need your help to stay there!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE click here to go to my personal fundraising page and click on the "Support Nikka" button below my picture- donate anything you can- every tiny amount brings me closer to my goal, is tax deductible, and will make you feel awesome knowing you've helped someone in need.
This organization is so important to me...please support me and this incredible community that does so much to take care of its own. Your support means so much to so many who are suffering all over, especially in this economic climate.
I'll be performing in Broadway Bares again as well- in the "Chess" if you're in NYC, come check it out.
thanks so much for your support and help!
texas stairs
One of the last polaroids from the Austin set, these are the stairs leading out of Joe's apartment. They're completely uneven and worn, so we were constantly falling up and down them every time we went somewhere. They were so cool, though. So much character.
It was so warm in Austin. It is so disgusting and rainy in New York right now.
old cars
I'm sitting on jury duty, so I figured blogging might be a decent way to pass the time...
Another photo from the Austin set. There are tons of amazing old cars all over the city, many of them impeccably restored and gorgeous. I've always had a thing for big old cars- one of my major life goals is to restore a late 70s Coupe de Ville, filed under the "When I'm Rich And Famous" to-do list. It probably stems from my father's Cadillac obsession.
I know old cars guzzle gas and are nightmarish to park and can oftentimes ride like tanks, but I find modern cars to be a little too homogenized in body style. You can't tell what anything is anymore, and though I am a staunch supporter of technological advances and making cars more environmentally friendly and breaking our dependence on foreign oil, I still sigh with a nostalgia I'm not quite entitled to for an era I never lived in, but can imagine every time I look at the cars.
I'm not exactly sure what Joe was going for in this picture- he wants YOU to...make movies? Or maybe just a "get that camera out of my face" pose- after all, I did make him share a bed with Mike for four days, and he is a straight man. And it was a small bed. Another photo from the Austin set- this is Joe's apartment. Joe is my uncle's assistant, a daunting but not thankless job. He's quite awesome, with one of the most distinct voices I've ever heard, a brain for film trivia like few I've seen, and an incredibly high tolerance for people and their crap. I have no idea how he does it.