This is Dewey in a nutshell. I don't believe we've ever had a conversation that included more nice words than fighting, yet he's one of my closer friends. Dewey is an amazing photographer, a master of sarcasm, and a formidable performer. We lived across the hall from each other freshman year, and he used to sit on the back stairs and noodle on the guitar while we talked until 4am. We later played husband and wife our senior year in the one and only play I've ever done. He'll never let on, but he is a truly great guy. When he's done telling you what a screwup you are.
This is Nick. He's one of my closer friends at work. As a manager and maitre'd, he deals with even more insanity than I do, and on the kind of basis that causes him to drink Maalox out of the bottle (a good solid four-count sip), give me the kind of smile that has daggers behind it while I make him pose, and then head back upstairs into the fray. Nick is no-nonsense, incredibly generous and loving, and absolutely will not take any crap, which is why we get along so well. He has a penchant for diamonds, furs, and all things Dior, Chanel, and YSL. He is probably the most fabulous straight man i know.
taken in the cave.
This is Soos. Her real name is Susan, but I rarely hear people call her that. Granted, I hang out with a lot of people she went to high school with, and we know how well those nicknames stick...
Soos is a newspaperwoman, so we posed her in one of Elise's many hats with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. If only there was a large "press" card sticking out of the hat, then everything would be complete. Soos and I have become fast friends since she moved back to the city a few months ago, and I'm incredibly happy about that. She has one of the sharpest wits I've ever encountered, a gigantic heart and the kind of ease with people that makes you very glad she's your friend. Plus she just took a gigantic pile of clothes off my hands, so my overstuffed closets thank her.
taken at James&Elise's apartment in brooklyn.
I think I'd be in some serious trouble if it weren't for my friends and family right now. They are a thousand different kinds of amazing. I go back to feverishly cleaning menus, fielding phone calls and continuing to chop legal sized paper down to letter size.
What do you do to lift your spirits?

This is David. He's the IT guy for the company I work for. David is holding a ruler that had something funny written on it, though I don't remember what it was. David also has some pretty awesome cameras, one of which he brought into work the other day. We keep thinking that we're going to run around new york taking pictures, but neither of us has any time off. David is always in a fight with one of our managers or our head buyer, but mostly it's love. However, he has made me deliver some pretty vicious threats on more than one occasion. it's pretty funny. So is David.
To continue on with the funny open-mouthed polaroids that have dominated this blog as of late, this is barczys. He was the master electrician on a show I did almost two years ago (!!). It was one of those experiences where everyone was just in the right place at the right time, and I'm actually still in touch with most of those cast members, which is rare. An environment was created within the cast and crew that was truly familial and unlike anything I've ever been a part of. Barczys moved to the city shortly after the season ended at the theatre, and we stayed close. I haven't seen him as often as I would like lately, we've both been so busy.
What a week this has been.
miss thing has just finished a week in "a chorus line" on broadway. i am so unbelievably proud of her. she is one of my audition buddies who actually turned into a real friend, and i'm so glad she did. she is compassionate, caring, a supportive colleague and fantastic dancer. i can't wait to work with her in a show soon.
congrats, jess!
back from hiatus
many more polaroid posts to come soon. I have been remiss with my scanning and posting, and I'm sorry. I need ideas to take pictures. I also need to not be afraid to pull out the polaroid at random- I'm missing the most amazing people I see on the street.
Daylight savings makes me feel totally jet-lagged. Anyone else feel this way?